If you don't know anything about the Save Darfur Coalition, or if you don't even know what Darfur is, PLEASE visit this website: savedarfur.org
There is a major crisis going on right now in Sudan, particularly in the Darfur region. The government is sending out a militia known as the Janjaweed to wipe out the entire African population in the country. Over 200,000 have been murdered and over 2 million have been displaced. It is extremely hard to get aid into the country, so humanitarian organizations are
stuck on the border.
Here are some of my photos from the rally in October called Tents of Hope, which resembled all of the refugee camps. There is another rally in D.C. this April, which is expected to draw thousands of people and possibly an appearance by our new Pres. Barack Obama.
That's freakin' awesome! You'll be a hippie, superstar, shiznit, photographer with this!